‘How long do anti-wrinkle injections last’ is an almost daily question posed by our patients at Shields Dental & Orthodontic Clinic. In this post, we will clarify the factors affecting how long the results of anti-wrinkle injections will last. What are...
The rise in popularity of reality television has resulted in a new phenomenon; the desire to get the ‘celebrity look’. Reality TV stars like the Kardashians are influencing new trends regularly, not least of which is non-surgical cosmetic procedures. With celebrities...
A Dental Veneer is a wafer-thin layer of porcelain that is made to permanently bond to the front surface of a tooth. The Purpose of Veneers The purpose of veneers is to improve the colour, size and/or shape of the teeth. For example: Veneers can improve the appearance...
Teeth whitening procedures have become very popular over the last 20 years. They are a quick, easy and safe way to achieve pearly whites in a short space of time. Results can last for between 1 and 3 years, afterwhich it is advised to repeat the procedure. Teeth...
What are the side-effects of anti-wrinkle injections? We will answer this question in detail and to the best of our ability in this article. Anti-wrinkle injections are a safe, effective and popular means of improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the...
‘How long do lip fillers last’ is one of the most commonly asked questions here at Shields Dental & Orthodontic Clinic Limerick. In fact, lip fillers are one of the fastest growing cosmetic treatments of the past decade. People understandably love them because...