Dr Coro Detearno
Dental Surgeon
Born in San Sebastián (Spain) but raised in Bedford (England), Coro graduated from the Universidad Europea de Madrid in 2015. Coro has worked in a general practice until 2017, when she commenced an Implant Surgery and Implant Restoration Master’s degree (M.D.S) while working as a supervisor in the Postgraduate of Clinical Training (UEM).
Areas of interest professionally are restoring people’s oral health, function, and aesthetic through the use of implants, implant restorations and bone regeneration procedures.
Coro, who has always maintained strong bonds with the Universidad Europea de Madrid, was teaching Implant dentistry on a postgraduate level before moving to Limerick. She is very involved in clinical research, and has published and lectured on the subject:
2019: Intermaster’s workshop COEM; “Re-implante como opción de tratamiento”. (Talk)
2019: Gaceta Dental magazine; “Abordaje lateral y crestal del seno maxilar Vs implantes cortos”. (Published Paper)
2018: Medicina oral, patología oral, cirugía bucal magazine; “Reimplante y auto-transplante dentarío como alternativa detratamiento”. (Talk)
2018: SECIB Congress; “Reimplante como opción de tratamiento”. (Published Paper)
2018: SEPA Congress;”Técnica pinhole modificada en implantes: a propósito de un caso”.(Poster)
2019: SEPES Congress. “Comparación del resultados en la toma de registro oclusal y analógico y digital”. (Poster)
Besides dentistry, she enjoys outdoor activities and depending on the season you will easily find her hiking, mushroom picking, salmon fishing, skiing, or swimming.