How To Avoid Common Side-Effects Of Dental Braces

Aug 31, 2020 | Advanced Dental Treatments

The idea of dental braces can be traced back to an American dentist in 1829. Back then, the process was painstaking and laborious.

Now they’re a common part of orthodontic treatment. Even Tom Cruise had his teeth aligned.

That doesn’t mean braces don’t come with problems of their own. Difficulty in eating is a common braces problem, at least for the first few weeks.

Wondering how to avoid the side-effects of braces? Read on to learn more.

Manage the Discomfort of Braces

The most common side effect of dental braces is discomfort. That’s because the braces have to move the teeth into their new position.

The discomfort is worse every time the orthodontist tightens the wires. You should find the discomfort lessens, or goes away altogether, in the period between tightening.

While there’s no way to avoid discomfort, you can reduce it. Ordinary pain relief will be enough, such as ibuprofen.

You might also experience discomfort when your brace is first fitted. This is because the metalwork irritates the inside of your mouth.

Avoid this side-effect by applying orthodontic wax to the brackets. This will help cut down the irritation.

Over time, your mouth will get used to the braces and the irritation will disappear.

White Marks on Your Teeth

When you have your braces taken off, you could have white marks left on the teeth. This shows decalcification.

This mistake is very easy to avoid. All you need to do is clean your braces and teeth. This removes any food debris and plaque so your teeth won’t decalcify.

Keeping up your cleaning routine also helps to keep tooth decay at bay. It’s important to maintain your usual daily cleaning to avoid problems when the braces are removed.

Broken Braces

Dental braces are hard-wearing but they can occasionally break. Wires may come loose, which can irritate the inside of your mouth. In a worst-case scenario, brackets might come loose.

The easiest way to avoid this mistake is to avoid eating hard food. Crunchy food products can also cause problems in rare cases.

If you do notice anything loose in your braces, have it repaired immediately to cut down on future problems.

Avoid Allergic Reactions

If you have an allergy to certain types of metal or latex rubber, you won’t want these materials in your braces.

Symptoms of a metal allergy can include tingling or a burning sensation, a loss of taste, or oral ulcers.

You can easily avoid side-effects caused by these allergies by telling your orthodontist in advance. They can explore alternatives like ceramic braces or even Invisalign if that is suitable.

Escape the Side-Effects of Braces

Now you know what some of the common side-effects of braces can be. You also know how to avoid them.

Keeping your teeth clean, choosing the right foods, and taking pain medication will all help. Work with your orthodontist and follow their care plan for the best success.

Are you considering getting dental braces? Why not contact us today for an orthodontic consult?

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